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How to Learn Processing Programming: Online Sources to Get You Started


Processing is an open source programming language and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is aimed at visual artists, with the aim of teaching computer fundamentals and programming in a visual context. The project was initiated in 2001 by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry.

Learning Processing programming language is helpful for makers as it could be easily connected to both Arduino and Raspberry Pi, it’s also helpful for teachers who are trying to get into programming themselves to help their students get into programming using a simple and easy to learn the programming language. It’s also helpful for visual artists which are the main target group for the programming language.

The aim of this post is to present and compare between free online sources that beginners can rely on to learn Processing programming, the sources stated here are full-structured courses that beginners can follow along.

If you just want the bottom line (the road map to learn Processing programming) and you don’t wish to read the entire article then go to the “Bottom Line” section at the end of the article.

Getting Started with Processing Programming from Scratch

Processing Website

Processing Website is the first free online outlet where beginners can start learning Processing programming through video as well as text-based tutorials, you don’t have to register to have access to the training.

Structure: The training is divided into 3 video lessons that give you an overview of the language, there are also the text-based tutorials that are 26 in total, each of the text tutorials covers a certain aspect “How to” of the Processing programming language.

Interface: The interface is very simple, just click on the lesson you’re interested in and you’ll be directed to the page where the lesson resides.

1 - Processing Programming Website Free Processing Programming Training

Now the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training covers the basics beginners should be familiarized with in order to start programming with Processing


  1. The training doesn’t cover every aspect of the programming language.

Verdict: This is an excellent free online outlet where beginners can start learning Processing programming through a mix of video and text tutorials.

Fun Programming

Fun Programming is the second free online outlet where beginners can start learning Processing programming through a video tutorial, you don’t have to register to have access to the training.

Structure: The training is divided into 38 video lessons, each video lesson covers a certain tool/technique “how to” in the Processing programming language.

Interface: The interface is very simple just click on the lesson you’re interested in and you’ll be directed to the page where the video lesson resides.

2 - Fun Programming Free Processing Programming Training

Now the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-structured and organized for complete beginners.


  1. The training doesn’t cover the latest revision of the programming language though that won’t a be a problem for complete beginners.

Verdict: This is the best free online outlet where beginners can start learning Processing programming through video tutorials.

Lyndon Daniels

Lyndon Daniels is the third free online outlet where beginners can start Processing programming through a text-based tutorial, you don’t have to register to have access to the tutorials.

Structure: This is actually an online book, so it has the same structure of a book, it’s divided into chapters and each of the chapters covers certain related topics in the Processing programming language.

Interface: You can navigate the course using either the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen or the menu at the right-hand side of the screen.

 3 - Lyndon Daniels Free Processing Programming Training

Now the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-organized for beginners.


  1. The training doesn’t cover the latest release of the processing programming language.

Verdict: This is a very good free online outlet where beginners can start learning Processing programming through a text-based tutorial.

Bottom Line

The recipe for learning Processing programming:

  1. Fun Programming is the best outlet for beginners to start learning Processing programming through video tutorials.
  2. Processing Website is the best outlet for beginners to start learning Processing programming through a mix of video and text-based tutorials.

Remember that the first step is always the toughest step, and the aim of this post is to provide you with resources that will help you take your first step in learning Processing programming.