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How to Install PHPBack on Cloud9 IDE


PHPBack is  a free and open source feedback system you can use for your website/business portal or personal blog. It gives your users a channel to communicate their feedback/ideas to improve your products/business. So if you want to try the application before installing it on your website then this post is for you.

This post will present a step by step guide on how to install PHPBack for free on Cloud9 for development purposes, please note that it’s not advisable to install a Production version of the web application on Cloud9 as the free tier isn’t designed for that intended purpose. Now, and without further ado let’s dive into the tutorial.


First, you’ll need to sign-up for the free version of Cloud9.

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Step One

After signing up and confirming your email, you’ll be directed to your dashboard, just click on the “add workspace” plus sign.

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Step Two

You’ll be directed to a new window where you should set up your workspace, select the PHP option, add this link (https://github.com/ivandiazwm/phpback.git) to the clone from Git field, and then create the workspace.


Step Three

Now, just click on the “Run Project” arrow, then click on the “Preview”, the installation window will appear in a browser like a side-window.

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Step Four

In the first step of the installation wizard, you should enter the database credentials, use; Host Name “”, username “root”, and leave the password blank.


Step Five

In the second part of the first window of the installation wizard, you should create your login credentials; username, password, and email. Then hit the “Proceed” tab.


Step Six

In this step, you should enter your email and leave the captcha blank for now.


Step Seven

In this step of the installation wizard, leave the email configuration tab blank, remember we’re just trying the software. If you want to try the emails then fill in the information that you can find in your email hosting provider. Finally hit the”Proceed” tab.


Step Eight

You’ll then be directed to the login page, use the credentials you’ve created in the first step for logging.


Step Nine

Now, you’ll be directed to the administrator’s panel where you can control your portal.

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Congratulations, now you have a fully functional installation of PHPBack on Cloud9. But, remember this installation should be for development purposes only and not for production.