How to Learn, Android App
As a part of the continuous quest of developing and improving “How to” for its readers and making it the best online outlet where beginners can discover free online outlets to learn and develop their skills, I’d like to make two announcements:
How to Learn Android App
The first announcement is the launch of the How to Learn Android App, the app isn’t just yet another way to simply access the website but rather a stand alone source, in the app you’d select the topic you’d like to learn and you’ll be directed to a window that has a short description of the tool and its applications and the best online outlets where you can start learning about that topic.
The aim of the app is to put the power of How to at your finger tips. You can download the App from the Play store using the below link.
Community Questions Sections
The second announcement is the launch of a new section that’s all about you; the valuable readers of How to, the section is called Community Question. In the community questions sections you can add any question you’d like to ask and either me or anyone in the community can answer the question. I’ve tried to make it as easy and as convenient as possible to ask and answer questions, so You don’t have to register to ask or answer questions.
The idea of the community section came to me when I’ve found that many of the valuable readers contacted me on the Facebook page of the website to ask questions and I thought that these questions and answers would be more valuable if they’re public as many can participate in the answer and it’s always available for anyone having a similar question.
I hope that How to as an outlet is succeeding in its mission in making you discover the best online educational sources to develop and nurture your skills.