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How to Learn Creo for Free

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PTC Creo is a direct modelling (It can also be used in 3D parametric/history modelling) 3D MCAD software. Creo isn’t only used for 3D modelling, but it can also be used for rendering, stress analysis, product life-cycle management, thermal analysis.

Learning Creo is very helpful for mechanical engineers or anyone working in the MCAD (Mechanical Computer Aided Design field) Field. This post is a road map for anyone willing to start learning Creo (old releases of Creo “Pro/E” won’t be covered here) online for free from scratch, the post will present and compare between the best online sources where beginners can start from and follow along, the sources stated in this post are full structured courses so you won’t find a link to a single video or a group of unrelated tutorials.

If you just want the bottom line (the road map to learn Creo) and you don’t wish to read the entire article then go to the “Bottom Line” section at the end of the article.

Start Learning Creo Online for Free from Scratch

PTC Learning Exchange

PTC Learning Exchange is the first free online outlet where beginners can start learning Creo online through video tutorials, you’ve to register in order to have access to the training. it’s worth noting that PTC is the company currently developing Creo.

Structure: The training is divided into 5 main sections, each section is divided into lessons, the lesson might have one video or more depending on the lessons it covers.

Interface: The interface is simple, just click on the section you’re interested in from the left hand side menu and the available lessons will appear, then just select the lesson you’re interested in and the list of available videos covering the various topics in that lesson will appear on the screen.

 1 - ptc learnining exchange creo trainingNow, the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-structured for beginners.


  1. The training isn’t well-organized for beginners.

Verdict: This is an excellent outlet for beginners to start learning Creo online through video tutorials.

Concurrent Engineering

Concurrent Engineering is the second free online outlet where beginners can start learning Creo online through video tutorials, you don’t have to register to have access to the training. It’s worth noting that the videos on this outlet are PTC university video that are well organized and easy to follow along.

Structure: The training is divided into 10 video lessons, each lesson covers a certain topic in Creo.

Interface: the interface is very simple, just click on the video lesson you’re interested in and it’ll start right away.

 2 - concurrent engineering creo trainingNow, the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-structured and organized for beginners.


  1. The training covers an old release of Creo, though that won’t be a problem for complete beginners.
  2. The training doesn’t cover as many topics as the first outlet.

Verdict: this is a very good outlet for beginners to start learning Creo online through video tutorials.

MIP Ltd YouTube Channel

MIP Ltd YouTube Channel is the third free online outlet where beginners can start learning creo online through video tutorials.

Structure: The training is divided into 12 video lessons, each lessons covers a certain topic in Creo.

Interface: Standard YouTube interface.

 3 - MIP Ltd Creo trainingNow, the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-structured and organized for beginners.


  1. The training covers an old release of Creo, though that won’t be a problem for complete beginners.

Verdict: This is a good outlet for beginners to start learning Creo online through video tutorials.

LCS RISE Institute

LCS RISE Institute is the fourth free online outlet where beginners can start learning Creo online through video tutorials, you don’t have to register to have access to the training.

Structure; The training is divided into four video lessons, each lesson covers various topics in Creo, the training is more of an overview about the software rather than an in depth training.

Interface: The interface is very simple, just click on the video lesson you’re interested in and it’ll start right away.

 4 - LCS RISE Instutute Creo trainingNow, the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-organized for those who want to get an overview about Creo.


  1. The training covers an old release of Creo, through that won’t be a problem for beginners.
  2. The training is just an overview about the software.

Verdict: There are better outlets in this post where beginners can start learning Creo online through video tutorials.

DC+ Tutorials YouTube Channel

DC+ Tutorials YouTube Channel is the fifth free online outlet where beginners can start learning Creo through video tutorials.

Structure: The training is divided into 2 playlists, each playlist is divided into video lessons that covers the various tools and techniques in Creo, it’s recommended that beginners should start from the playlist entitled “Creo Parametric 2.0 Training (Basic + Advanced Tips)“. The firs playlist covers 2D tools available in Creo while the second playlist covers 3D operations.

Interface: Standard YouTube interface.

DC+ Tutorials YouTube Channel Creo Training

Now, the pros and cons:


  1. Free.
  2. The training is well-structured and organized for beginners.
  3. The training covers the basics beginners should be familiarized with in order to start using Creo.


  1. Some of the videos has no audio illustrations while others audio illustrations were created using a text to speech software.

Verdict: This is a good outlet for beginners to start learning Creo online through video tutorials.

Bottom Line

The recipe for learning Creo

  1. PTC Learning Exchange and Concurrent Engineering are the best outlets for beginners to start learning Creo through video tutorials.
  2. For those who prefer books then this free book is the best option.

Remember that the first step is always the toughest step, and the aim of this post is to provide you with resources that will help you take your first step in Creo.