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Which video editing software should I use?

Community QuestionsWhich video editing software should I use?
Ahmed Mahmoud Staff asked 8 years ago

You’re starting to create YouTube videos, or you want to create a pitch for your business/idea and you want a cheap/free video editing software and you’re wondering, which software package should you choose?

2 Answers
Ahmed Mahmoud Staff answered 8 years ago

I’ve tried Lightworks, Adobe AE, Natron and HitFilm Express for creating pitching videos and the easiest and cheapest (free) software to use is HitFilm Express, it’s layer based and has the same functionality of Adobe AE. I’m currently working on the “getting started” guide for HitFilm Express.

Charu Malik answered 7 years ago

If you use a Mac then you should use Final Cut Pro X. 
If you’ve just started then you can practice on iMovie and then graduate to FCP X. It is much faster than Adobe Premiere when working on a Mac.