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How to Create a Self-Hosted Cloud Storage (BoZon on OpenShift)

BoZon OpenShift Logo

There are a lot of  cloud storage services available nowadays like; Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and many more. One of the major drawbacks of these services is security, do you trust these companies and would you allow them to save your sensitive data? That question was asked before in another post and if your answer was no (as with the previous post) a solution was provided which was using ownCloud on your own server or on OpenShift for free. Today an alternative solution will be provided which is deploying BoZon on your own server or on OpenShift for free.

This guide will present a step by step tutorial on how to install BoZon on OpenShift, the only skill you’ll need during the tutorial is your ability to use a web browser.


  1. A free OpenShift account, just go to OpenShift website and register using your email, no credit card is required. 1 - create openshift account


  1. After registering; go to OpenShift home page and click on the “MY APPS” on the top of the screen.2 - open Openshift Account
  2. You’ll be directed to your log-in window and enter your credentials, you’ll be directed to a new window click on the blue “Create your first application now” link.3-create openshift application
  3. You’ll be directed to a window, type “PHP, MySQL” in the search field, and select the application shown below in the screenshot. 2 - concrete5 on openshift
  4. You’ll be directed to a new window, in the public URL; type the name of the project/application name (e.g. MyCloud, CloudStorage, etc.) in the first space and the domain name (it’s not your real domain name, just any identification name e.g. NickName, YourName) in the second space.5 - openshift application name
  5. Under the public URL, there’s the source code slot, just copy and paste the following  link “https://github.com/broncowdd/BoZoN.git”.2 - installing bozon on openshift
  6. Leave everything as it’s and click on “Create Application” tab at the end of the page.3 - concrete5 on openshift
  7. You shall be directed to a new window where you shall find all of your “MySQL” credentials.4 - concrete5 on openshift
  8. You’ll be directed to the main window again and it’s time to go to your ” cloud storage” and finalize the installation process, to do that simply click on the blue link at the top of the screen (that’s your URL).6 - concrete5 on openshift
  9. You’ll be directed to the “BoZon” installation window, where you should create your administrator account by clicking the lock button seen below.3 - installing bozon on openshift
  10. You’ll be directed to a new window, where you should create your your administrator account choose a strong and long password to make your account secure (of course it’s always better to use a password manager to create and save passwords.4 - installing bozon on openshift
  11. You’ll then be directed to a new window, in that window,  you should enter your administrator credentials you’ve created in the previous step.6 - installing bozon on openshift

Congratulations, this is your administrator window where you can start uploading and organizing files and folders, you can also start creating shareable links. Now, you’ve a fully functional cloud storage using BoZon and OpenShift.